Tag Archives: ME/CFS

Foredrag av dr. Mette Johnsgaard i Trelleborg i oktober 2010

Dr. Mette Johnsgaard fra Lillestrøm Helseklinikk snakker om behandling av ME/CFS.  Foredraget ble holdt i Trelleborg, den 29. oktober 2010 hos Riksföreningen för ME-patienter, lokalgruppe Skåne.   Del 1 av 9. http://vimeo.com/album/1501230/video/18319513 Del 1 – 4 er offentliggjort nå, resten … Continue reading

Posted in ME-foredrag, Multimedia, Myalgisk Encefalopati (ME), Videoer | Tagged , , , , | View Comments

A great example of advocacy that you can use

The following letter was written by a patient, and seasoned corporate marketing and communications specialist, and sent to Mr Colin Douglas, Director of Communications for the NHS in the UK.  We like it for several reasons: It beautifully leverages the … Continue reading

Posted in Diverse, Myalgisk Encefalopati (ME) | Tagged , , , , , , , , | View Comments